Become a market leader for 2025

Is it possible for a single piece of content to transform your business and your life?

It is!

That’s exactly what happened early on with Copyblogger, as I explain in my recent webinar presentations. Even better, I explain how it would work for you right now, in 2024 and beyond.

But the more important thing is that a single piece of content can be the foundation of all of your content and marketing assets going forward.

Even better, the core focus of that single content asset becomes your broader positioning, which impacts your status with customers and clients, industry peers, and financing sources.

And that’s why I’d like to invite you to become a part of something special next month.

I’m doing a 4-week training program where we’ll work together to build a persuasive piece of content that represents a unifying vision for your ideal prospects.

This can then be used in various formats – a free report, a webinar, a stage presentation, and the basis for your articles, podcast episodes, and videos going forward.

This group coaching program breaks down like this:

  • Week One (September 5): Defining the ONE Thing Your Prospect Must Believe to Do Business with You (the “Empowering Belief”).

  • Week Two (September 12): Craft a minimum viable story where the prospect “solves” for the Empowering Belief in conjunction with you, the persuader.

  • Week Three (September 19): Overcome objections by creating associations between the Empowering Belief and existing mental models that are congruent with their worldview.

  • Week Four (September 26): How to get it done, with tips ranging from generative A.I. prompts to working with ghostwriters.

Plus: You’ll be able to submit your work for evaluation and feedback, with consultation calls with both Trudi Roth and me.

And: You’ll get six months of access to the Leading Expert Mastermind group.

Now, this is normally the point where I send you to a fancy sales page. Except I haven’t written one. 

We’ve already had enough people sign up based on the live presentation to move forward, so I may not write a sales page at all.

To fully understand why the segments above are important and how the training works, you have to watch (at minimum) my latest webinar (Part 2 of 2) called How Charismatic Content Makes You the Leading Expert for Your Ideal Prospects.

Ideally you would watch both parts one and two, but I know that’s a big ask. If it helps, people who were there live say I should have charged for this content.

But what I really want you to do beyond learning is walk away with a tangible asset that can change the trajectory of your business. And that’s what the training program is about.

So if it helps to motivate you, you can also get an insanely low investment for the coaching if you act in the next couple of days. Watch one or both presentations here.

Or, you can simply lock in your spot right now. With the 30-day money back guarantee, you can go through the entire program and if you’re not happy, get all your money back.

Yes, really.

Happy weekend!

Keep going-
