Free webinar starts in an hour!

Join us at 3 pm ET / Noon Pacific (link below)

Are you ready for a deeper understanding of what content marketing can do for your business (and what it was designed to do all along)?

If so join us for my live presentation today at 3 pm ET / Noon Pacific. We’re kicking off in just about an hour from now.

Here’s the title and description:

The Real Reason People Choose You Instead of the Competition (And How Content Makes It Happen)

Somewhere along the line, content marketing got pigeonholed to search engine optimization and social media marketing. In other words, traffic generation. But going back to the beginning of Copyblogger, Brian Clark has always maintained that content is much more powerful than that, and his success over a dozen companies has been tied to it. In this presentation, Brian will drill down into the social psychology of compelling content and how it leads to customers, clients, and a profitable business.

This is part one of two presentations. Join us today and you’ll get an invite to part two next week.

Here’s the Zoom link to join live at 3 pm ET / Noon Pacific.

Keep going-
