Join us for a high-impact webinar!

Well hello there, it’s been a minute!

We’ve been busy inside the Leading Expert Alliance, our new community that’s focused on developing new market leaders during a period of intense change in the digital marketing space.

But that doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten about you.

In fact, I’d like you to join us for a couple of high impact (and free) presentations that I’m doing for the community this month, with the first one happening this Wednesday (that’s August 14) at 3pm ET / Noon Pacific.

The second presentation is actually Part Two of the first. That’s happening on August 21 (I’ll send you a separate invite for that).

All you have to do to view this week’s webinar is let me know if you are going to attend live. If you can’t make it live, you can choose to receive the replay.

Are you interested in the webinar on August 14?

Note: if you are NOT interested, just move along without clicking.

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

Hope to see you on Wednesday!

Keep going-
