What Makes the Difference?

How "thought leadership" actually works...

Three people set out to grow their respective businesses with content marketing and “thought leadership.”

But they each achieved very different results.

The first person expected the world to embrace their credentials as an indication of their expertise. They went to the right schools and had the right jobs before starting their own firm.

And yet nobody cared. This is the Frustrated Expert.

The second person demonstrated their expertise with their content, and added in humor and an engaging “voice.” They attracted social media followers just as the “gurus” told them to.

And yet very few of those followers became customers or clients. This is the Likable Expert.

The third person added something much more powerful than “likability” to their content marketing efforts. Not only did they connect with prospects at a more meaningful level, they benefited from large amounts of social media sharing and word of mouth.

And the result is a thriving business with a waiting list of eager prospects. This is the Leading Expert.

What made the difference?

For the answer to that question, I encourage you to watch the presentation I gave yesterday.

It’s called How Charismatic Content Makes You the Leading Expert for Your Ideal Prospects, and it takes you back to what I did during the early days of Copyblogger to attract a large engaged audience that actually wanted to buy stuff.

And how you can do the same, even in today’s digital marketing environment.

You can watch the presentation, along with last week’s foundational webinar if you missed it, at this page:

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