The most profitable content I’ve ever created...

Time sensitive message!

Back in 2005, I saw things shifting in a new direction.

I had just wound up my real estate business after a near-death experience. And I had resolved that I would start a new business that would allow me to not have clients and write more.

The blogging movement had been building steam for several years at that point, and I had been paying attention since around 2001. Plus, I had used blogs in my real estate business for SEO and lead generation, but it wasn’t what would be considered “proper” blogging.

It was interesting to see the practice shifting from a form of journaling to a commercial pursuit based on interest-based topics that could generate revenue. People recognized this as a way to “make money online” from writing.

I immediately saw that these early “pro bloggers” were trying to do what I had done with my email newsletter business seven years earlier. And they were making the same mistakes I made that led to my only business failure.

So, I registered a domain name in December, mapped out an initial strategy, and published my first post on January 9, 2006. Copyblogger was born.

The first three months were a ghost town as I dutifully published two lengthy articles per week. Finally, I found a way to break through with an innovative free report.

That report was the catalyst for everything that has happened since.

And even though I wasn’t selling anything other than the concept of Copyblogger (and by extension, myself), it’s been the most profitable thing I’ve ever written.

Three seven-figure startups in the following three years. A highly profitable eight-figure software company starting in 2010, which grew every year until we sold StudioPress in 2018 and Rainmaker in 2019.

My final payday came in 2023 when I sold my remaining interest in Copyblogger. But in reality, the work I did in 2006 has allowed me to start all my post-Copyblogger projects as well.

It’s not just that I attracted an audience. And it’s not just that the audience grew itself by sharing and word of mouth.

It was the bond I created with “my people” that made them more than prospects. We were all in it together, with me being trusted to lead the way based on new ideas for an emerging digital marketing world.

That’s why I call that report not a lead magnet, but a unity magnet. And while what I specifically did in 2006 wouldn’t work the same way today, a properly executed Unity Magnet will always work.

It will always work because it’s based on proven social psychology principles. Apply those principles to your chosen audience combined with your specific experience and expertise, and it can transform your business and your life.

That’s what I’d like to invite you to create with me over four weeks in September. But you need to sign up today to get the best deal.

For a full understanding, you can watch the replays of the two presentations I did over the last two weeks. Details about the training are toward the end of the second webinar.

Or you can simply sign up risk free thanks to our 30-day money back guarantee.

Either way, you’ve got until 6 pm Pacific time today, Sunday, August 25, 2024.

I’d love to work with you to create truly transformational content.

Keep going-
