[Roundup] Become a Market Leader for 2025

Let’s kick off this roundup email with an important question:

Is it possible for a single piece of content to transform your business and your life?

The answer is, emphatically, yes!

But don’t just take my word for it (or Snoop’s).

As you probably know by now, that’s exactly what happened for Brian early on with Copyblogger. And over the last two weeks, he went into great detail (like, course-level detail) explaining how it can work for you right now, in 2024 and beyond.

A single piece of content can be the foundation of all of your content and marketing assets going forward.

And when done right, the core focus of that single content asset helps you establish your positioning, which then impacts your status with customers and clients, industry peers, and even financing sources.

This is why Brian concluded the webinar series by inviting you to become a part of something special next month.

It’s a 4-week training program where you will work directly with Brian and Trudi to build a tangible, persuasive piece of content that represents a unifying vision for your ideal prospects.

This can then be used in various formats – a free report, a webinar, a stage presentation, and the basis for your articles, podcast episodes, and videos going forward.

If you want to see all the details of the Unity Magnet Coaching Program, or sign up now before the price goes up, click here.

Or if you need to get caught up on the webinars first, here are the links to the replay pages within the community:

And make sure you mark your calendars for the Q&A event we have coming up on Wednesday …

Coming up: Q&A with Brian Clark on Unity Magnets and Charismatic Content

Since not everyone was able to attend the webinars live, or stay all the way through until the Q&A, we decided to dedicate next Wednesday’s community gathering to answering whatever lingering questions you have about the material Brian presented and/or the coaching program ... or any other burning leading expert-related topics that are on your mind.

The Q&A will begin at 1:00 p.m. ET on Wednesday, August 28th.

To get all the details of the Q&A (including the Zoom link) and to submit your question(s), visit the event:

What were your big wins this week?

While you’re here, consider popping into our weekly thread where we celebrate our biggest wins together — or commiserate about our biggest failures or frustrations.

Whatever kind of week you had, we’re here for you.

Have something to add to one of these conversations?

And finally this week, consider jumping into one of these ongoing conversations if you have some value to add:

  • Jason is looking for some suggestions on where he can guest post. (And in this conversation, Anthony provided one valuable resource everyone should check out.)

  • Robert shared a link to an interview he did with Joe Pulizzi that may be helpful to aspiring writers.

  • Julia is seeking some help on building her “Dream 100.”

  • Nathalie shared a compelling document about membership, mattering, and finding a sense of purpose.

  • And Harriette asked if anyone is up for working with a friend of hers who is looking for marketing guidance.

Chime in to any of those conversations … or start your own if you have a question, a recommendation, or just a topic you’d like to kick around with other community members. That’s what the community is here to facilitate!

That will do it for this roundup.

We have a wonderful weekend!

And please, as always, let Trudi or I know if there is anything we can do to help. That’s why we’re here. It’s not an exaggeration to say that nothing fills our professional souls with joy quite like helping members of this community find answers and move past roadblocks on the way to building the business and lifestyle you desire.

Hope to see you at the Q&A on Wednesday and inside of the Unity Magnet Coaching Program once it starts!

Keep going-

Jerod and Trudi

P.S. By the way, what’s your next big challenge? Whether it’s content creation, AI implementation, or a new fitness goal, let us know by replying to this email. Your ambition could inspire our next community initiative or Leading Expert Wednesday session!