Webinar Replay Now Available

The Real Reason People Choose You Instead of the Competition (And How Content Makes It Happen)

My presentation this last Wednesday – The Real Reason People Choose You Instead of the Competition (And How Content Makes It Happen) – was a hit with the live audience.

If you’re worried this is the “same ol’ same ol’” stuff I’ve been talking about since Copyblogger, never fear. It’s not.

In fact, I’ve never given this presentation before, so don’t expect a lot of polish and sizzle. But the substance is super solid according to the people who attended live.

That’s because this isn’t what I talked about at Copyblogger. It’s what I did to make Copyblogger and all the subsequent products an 8-figure-a-year success.

This is Part One that sets the stage for the next live presentation: How Charismatic Content Makes You the Leading Expert to Your Ideal Prospects, happening Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at 3 pm ET / Noon Pacific.

So find some time to watch this one so you’re ready for next Wednesday:

Have a great weekend!

Keep going-


P.S. I’ll send you an invite to next week’s presentation on Monday, so watch your inbox for that!