Webinar Two This Wednesday

August 21, 2024 at 3 pm ET / Noon Pacific


We’re gearing up for another Leading Expert community presentation this Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at 3 pm ET / Noon Pacific, and we’re inviting everyone to join us once again.

This is part two of the webinar that happened last week, where I laid the groundwork for understanding the psychological reasons why people choose you over the competition.

This week we go into how to put that psychology to work to create winning content:

How Charismatic Content Makes You the Leading Expert for Your Ideal Prospects

Engaging and unifying content that delivers real business results shares all the same characteristics that charismatic leaders possess. In this presentation you'll understand what charisma really is, and how content marketing allows you to proactively create charismatic content assets that lead to outsized success for you and your business.

The Zoom link to join us on Wednesday is on this page along with the replay of last week’s presentation.

See you soon!

Keep going-
